Between the turbulent stock market, unprecedented real estate landscape, and the rise of cryptocurrency, you may feel like making your money work for you has never seemed so urgent — or so confusing.
If this is you, there's a good chance you have considered hiring a financial advisor to help you profitably navigate this economy. You want to work with someone who is knowledgeable about all types of investments, insurance, and other personal finance issues.
Finding a reliable and skilled financial advisor comes down to knowing the warning signs of the bad ones so you can avoid them.
Here are 10 red flags to watch out for in a financial advisor.
Steal this billionaire wealth-building technique
The ultra-rich have also been investing in art from big names like Picasso and Bansky for centuries. And it's for a good reason: Contemporary art prices have outpaced the S&P 500 by 136% over the last 27 years.
A new company called Masterworks is now allowing everyday investors to get in on this type of previously-exclusive investment. You can buy a small slice of $1-$30 million paintings from iconic artists, all without needing any art expertise.
If you have at least $10k to invest and are ready to explore diversifying beyond stocks and bonds,see what Masterworks has on offer. (Hurry, they often sell out!)
They promise unrealistic returns and downplay risks
Let's begin with the big one: If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Almost all of us recognize this because we've been gullible before. Yet your financial advisor's assurances that an investment is low risk and high reward may be awfully tempting.
So no matter how enticing an investment may look, remember that a risk-free sure thing is also a glaring feature of a Ponzi scheme.
Want to learn how to build wealth like the 1%? Sign up for Worthy to get ideas and advice delivered to your inbox.
You are pressured to "act fast" when you attend a free event
An invitation to a free steak dinner at a popular local restaurant may sound like a great night out. But If you hear the words "Act fast!" come out of anyone's mouth, you should act fast and leave. Someone using high-pressure sales tactics to influence your financial decisions may not be a great advisor.
These free events aren't necessarily scams. If you do receive an invitation, check out the host's credentials at FINRA's BrokerCheck, the CFP Board's planners, or the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors database before you RSVP.
They encourage you to put all your money in one place
Diversifying your portfolio is standard advice because it's common sense. If you put all your money in one stock, for example, and it tanks for any reason, you may lose everything.
If your financial advisor is encouraging you to invest in a specific area, they may have an ulterior motive. A good financial advisor will help you choose a balanced portfolio to protect your investments.
Get a free stock valued between $5 to $200
Secret: You don't need thousands of dollars to buy thousand-dollar stocks or create a diverse portfolio.
Robinhood offers a method of investing called “fractional shares.” On its own, one share of a single stock could cost a lot of money, making it difficult to diversify. Robinhood allows you to buy pieces of stock instead, so you have the option to build a diverse portfolio quickly.
Let’s say you want to invest $250, as an example.
With that amount, you could build a relatively diverse portfolio with an investment of $50 in a big tech stock, $50 in a retail stock, $50 in an energy stock, $50 in a manufacturing stock, and $50 in a bank.1 <p>This content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. </p> <p>To get stock reward, new customers need to sign up, get approved, and link their bank account. Stock rewards shares cannot be sold until 3 trading days after the reward is granted and the cash value of the stock rewards may not be withdrawn for 30 days after the reward is claimed. Stock rewards not claimed within 60 days may expire. See full terms and conditions at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Fractional shares are illiquid outside of Robinhood and are not transferable. Not all securities available through Robinhood are eligible for fractional share orders. For a complete explanation of conditions, restrictions and limitations associated with fractional shares, see the Fractional Shares section of our Customer Agreement.</p> Robinhood Gold is offered through Robinhood Financial LLC and is a membership offering premium services available for a fee.</p>
Even better news? Add a Robinhood Gold membership, and you’ll get access to 4.00% (as of 12/27/24) APY2 <p>Annual Percentage Yield. Rate valid as of April 12, 2024. To earn interest, a cash balance is needed. If you have a margin balance, there is no cash balance to earn interest. Interest rates for cash sweep and margin investing can change at any time. Fees may reduce interest earnings.</p> on your uninvested cash3 <p>Interest is earned on uninvested cash swept from your brokerage account to partner banks. Partner banks pay interest on your swept cash, minus any fees paid to Robinhood. As of Nov 15, 2023, the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) that you will receive is 1.5%, or 5% for Gold customers. The APY might change at any time at the partner banks' or Robinhood's discretion. Additionally, any fees Robinhood receives may vary and are subject to change. Neither Robinhood Financial LLC nor any of its affiliates are banks.</p> <p>All investments involve risk and loss of principal is possible.</p> <p>Robinhood Financial LLC (member SIPC), is a registered broker dealer.</p> and the ability to buy and sell stocks 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Open and fund a Robinhood account and earn up to $200 in stock
They don't listen
We tend to think of advisor-client relationships as one person with all the answers offering those answers to someone who doesn't have any. And while there is some truth to that characterization, an advisor-client relationship is worthless if the advisor doesn't also listen to the client.
Every individual has a unique set of needs and circumstances that should be considered, especially by a person who is being paid to advise on decision-making. If a financial advisor bulldozes you to invest in something, ask yourself why they are so determined to put your money there.
Pro tip: If you don't think you need one-on-one help with your financial life, you might consider an online brokerage account. This is a low-cost way to begin building a portfolio, and often includes online tutorials to help you learn.
They misrepresent their abilities and credentials
Having confidence that your financial advisor knows how to invest money better than you do is the basis of a good relationship with them. As with any professional you're considering working with, you might ask friends or family for recommendations.
Regardless of how you find a financial advisor, do the legwork to learn whether the one you're considering is actually qualified to handle your money. You can start by searching the Certified Financial Planner Board's professionals. Making sure they aren't misrepresenting their abilities and qualifications is key to avoiding a scammer.
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They're roping you into an affinity scheme
If you and everyone you know is making the same investment based on the same person's advice, you may be the victim of affinity fraud. Affinity schemes are often perpetrated around religious organizations, social clubs, or specific ethnic groups.
A shady financial advisor will often target these types of groups because they can take advantage of you and your community's shared interest or belief. Often they will use your investment to pay the returns of their other investors and vice versa, usually for their own personal gain. When this happens you have become a victim of a "Ponzi" or a "pyramid" scheme.
Pro tip: If you or a group of friends want to start investing, you might consider looking at the best robo-advisors. These algorithm-based financial advisors offer a low-cost way to begin investing, and guide you toward your stated goals.
They aren't transparent about how they profit
Financial advisors are doing you a service, so of course they ought to be paid. But when they become vague or misleading about how they are being paid, you should hear alarm bells ringing.
Advisors may be getting a commission from the mutual funds in which they are investing your money. Or they might be charging "fees" to your account at every opportunity. They should disclose these things.
When you interview a potential advisor, be sure to ask them how they make money. Do they earn a commission on products they recommend? Do they charge a flat fee that is a percentage of your assets under management? Are they a fee-only advisor whom you will pay just for the work they do?
If an advisor isn't forthcoming about their fee structure, that's a red flag.
They only seem interested in you or your spouse
Regardless of your financial planner's gender, there's always the chance that when you and your spouse begin discussing your financial goals with them, they may behave like one of you isn't even in the room.
A good financial advisor will be sure both halves of a couple understand the investments and the steps needed to achieve set goals. If you can't trust your financial advisor to listen to both you and your spouse, you can hardly expect them to look out for both of your interests.
There's a lot of activity, but you're not seeing higher returns
If your monthly statements appear to be a hotbed of activity but your actual earnings aren't increasing, you may be the victim of a churning scheme. "Churning" is when financial advisors frequently and unnecessarily trade your assets in order to earn commission fees.
This practice is not only a sign that your financial advisor doesn't have your best interests at heart, but it's also illegal.
Earn up to a $300 bonus and grow your money with up to 3.80% APY
This powerful combination checking + savings account from SoFi® allows you to earn up to a $300 bonus with direct deposit and grow your money with up to 3.80% APY.4 <p>New and existing Checking and Savings members who have not previously enrolled in Direct Deposit with SoFi are eligible to earn a cash bonus of either $50 (with at least $1,000 total Direct Deposits received during the Direct Deposit Bonus Period) <b>OR</b> $300 (with at least $5,000 total Direct Deposits received during the Direct Deposit Bonus Period). Cash bonus will be based on the total amount of Direct Deposit. Direct Deposit Promotion begins on 12/7/2023 and will be available through 1/31/2026. See full bonus and annual percentage yield (APY) terms at <a href=""></a>. SoFi Checking and Savings is offered through SoFi Bank, N.A., Member FDIC.</p> <p>SoFi members who enroll in SoFi Plus with Direct Deposit or by paying the SoFi Plus Subscription Fee every 30 days or with $5,000 or more in Qualifying Deposits during the 30-Day Evaluation Period can earn 3.80% annual percentage yield (APY) on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. There is no minimum Direct Deposit amount required to qualify for the stated interest rate. Members without either SoFi Plus or Qualifying Deposits, during the 30-Day Evaluation Period will earn 1.00% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Only SoFi Plus members are eligible for other SoFi Plus benefits. Interest rates are variable and subject to change at any time. These rates are current as of Jan. 24, 2025. There is no minimum balance requirement. Additional information can be found at <a href=""></a>. See the SoFi Plus Terms and Conditions at <a href=""></a>.</p>
This is one of the top accounts we’ve seen, and offers like this can be rare. You work hard, and now it’s time to make your money work for you — with SoFi, you can grow your money with hardly any effort!
SoFi has no account fees5 <p>We do not charge any account, service or maintenance fees for SoFi Checking and Savings. We do charge a transaction fee to process each outgoing wire transfer. SoFi does not charge a fee for incoming wire transfers, however the sending bank may charge a fee. Our fee policy is subject to change at any time. See the SoFi Checking & Savings Fee Sheet for details at <a href=""></a></p> or overdraft fees6 <p>Overdraft Coverage is limited to $50 on debit card purchases only and is an account benefit available to customers with direct deposits of $1,000 or more during the current 30-day Evaluation Period as determined by SoFi Bank, N.A. The 30-Day Evaluation Period refers to the "Start Date" and "End Date" set forth on the APY Details page of your account, which comprises a period of 30 calendar days (the "30-Day Evaluation Period"). You can access the APY Details page at any time by logging into your SoFi account on the SoFi mobile app or SoFi website and selecting either (i) Banking > Savings > Current APY or (ii) Banking > Checking > Current APY. Members with a prior history of non-repayment of negative balances are ineligible for Overdraft Coverage.<br></p> and additional FDIC insurance up to $3 million on deposits is available through a seamless network of participating banks.7 <p><b style="font-family: Rubik, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;">SoFi Bank is a member FDIC and does not provide more than $250,000 of FDIC insurance per depositor per legal category of account ownership, as described in the FDIC’s regulations. Any additional FDIC insurance is provided by the SoFi Insured Deposit Program. Deposits may be insured up to $3M through participation in the program. See full terms at <a href=""></a>. See list of participating banks at <a href=""></a>.</b></p> Plus, you can receive your paycheck up to 2 days early.8 <p>Early access to direct deposit funds is based on the timing in which we receive notice of impending payment from the Federal Reserve, which is typically up to two days before the scheduled payment date, but may vary.</p>
How to earn up to $300: Sign up and make a direct deposit within the first 25 calendar days of the promotional period, then collect a $300 cash bonus with a direct deposit of $5,000 or more.
SoFi is a Member, FDIC. 7 <p><b style="font-family: Rubik, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;">SoFi Bank is a member FDIC and does not provide more than $250,000 of FDIC insurance per depositor per legal category of account ownership, as described in the FDIC’s regulations. Any additional FDIC insurance is provided by the SoFi Insured Deposit Program. Deposits may be insured up to $3M through participation in the program. See full terms at <a href=""></a>. See list of participating banks at <a href=""></a>.</b></p>
Open your SoFi account and set up direct deposit
They want you to provide direct access to your money
Handing your financial advisor your checkbook so they can handle your investments may seem incredibly convenient. But it's also handing someone else your checkbook. No matter how much you trust your financial advisor, you just made embezzlement easy for them.
Keep control of as much of your finances as you feel comfortable handling. A financial advisor should be your financial guide, not your spouse.
Bottom line
Finding a trustworthy financial advisor who knows what they are doing can make your life a whole lot easier. And doing the research to find a good one may end up being the hardest part.
Most financial advisors work for either commissions or fees. Deciding which way you want to compensate an advisor may also determine what you want an advisor to do for you.
The main thing to remember is that it's your money. Whether you decide to work with an online brokerage, a robo-advisor, or an independent financial advisor, no one is going to care about your money like you do.
FinanceBuzz writers and editors score products and companies on a number of objective features as well as our expert editorial assessment. Our partners do not influence our ratings.
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FinanceBuzz writers and editors score products and companies on a number of objective features as well as our expert editorial assessment. Our partners do not influence our ratings.
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