Insurance Car Insurance

13 Surprising Things Your Auto Insurance Probably Covers (Seriously…Meteorites?)

Your auto insurance policy covers fender benders, theft, and even fires. But here are some overlooked protections you probably have as well.

smiling woman sitting in the car
Updated Aug. 7, 2024
Fact checked

You probably know that car insurance often covers fender benders, cracked windshields, and damages you cause to someone else's vehicle. But chances are good that your auto insurance offers some protections you might not know about.

Check out these surprising types of coverage that could be built into your existing auto insurance policy. The next time you compare quotes and try to save money on auto insurance, check to see if these items are covered.

Mice in the engine

Goodvibes Photo/Adobe powerful engine of a car

Many people park their vehicles outdoors, creating an increased risk for rodents to make their way under the hood or the seats. Without coverage, you may find yourself needing to boost your bank account.

Auto insurance policies with comprehensive coverage likely will help cover repairs after mice, squirrels, or other pests get into the vehicle and do damage, such as chewing through wiring or ripping into the seats.

Flying golf balls

Putra/Adobe golf ball and golf club

You may have bought your home because of the golf course views, but what happens when a fast-moving golf ball strikes your car's window and shatters it?

Auto insurance policies with full coverage likely cover that damage and the dents in the hood, too.

Meteors falling from the heavens

Tryfonov/Adobe comet in the starry sky

Auto insurance policies typically cover falling objects from the sky, including meteors. Although this might be the furthest thing from your mind, it is a risk.

Comprehensive auto insurance coverage reimburses repairs after such a strike. Depending on the extent of the damage, it might even help you replace the vehicle.

Damage from the neighborhood kids

Kalim/Adobe woman with scratched car at underground parking lot

What if the neighborhood kids decide to egg your car, and it damages the paint?

Like other forms of vandalism and graffiti, full coverage in an auto insurance policy will help reimburse your damages.

Pro tip: You should shop around to make sure you aren't paying too much for car insurance while getting the coverage you need to feel at ease.

A bear attack in the woods

karel/Adobe brown bear ursus arctos in its natural environment

You've seen those commercials and skits in movies with a bear trying to break into a car, rocking it back and forth.

If that happens in real life, your auto insurance policy should cover the damage if you carry comprehensive coverage.

Missile strikes

gpointstudio/Adobe broken car on the way to vacation

Another risk you don't have to worry about — from a car repair standpoint, anyway — is a missile strike. This, too, falls under the "falling objects" coverage of most auto insurance policies that have comprehensive coverage.

That should give you a tiny bit of peace of mind when it comes to wartime risk, although we all hope nobody has to make this type of claim.

Damage from backing into a pole with a rental car

Tricky Shark/Adobe damaged rear bumper

When you're in an accident in a rental vehicle, many car insurance policies will cover the damage.

However, it is crucial that you check with your auto insurer before you rent the car to make sure you will indeed have coverage.

Damage after your car is stolen

Andrii/Adobe girl after shopping discovered the loss of her automobile

Let's say some local teen steals your car and gets caught. Then you get the vehicle back. You're relieved — until you smell the smoke in the vehicle, or find soda spilled everywhere inside.

Your comprehensive car insurance policy may cover the cost of detailing the car so you can get it back to its previous state.

Damage from a shopping cart

baranq/Adobe Woman inspecting her scratched car and calling insurance agent

The condition of your vehicle's paint influences its value, which is why you take care of it with proper washing and buffing.

However, an errant cart on a simple shopping trip can cause enough damage to require repair. If someone purposely caused that damage, it could be considered vandalism. In that case, your auto insurance policy might ride to the rescue.

Pro tip: Raising your deductible can help you save money on car insurance premiums, but you must be sure you can afford to pay the deductible if necessary. So, try to eliminate your debt and save up enough so that you are sure you can meet the deductible cost.

Injuries that occur when you are not driving

Monkey Business/Adobe teenage driver suffering whiplash injury traffic accident

Imagine you are out for a bike ride, and a driver strikes you, causing you to fall and break a leg.

If the motorist is uninsured, it is possible that your uninsured motorist coverage might reimburse your medical expenses.

Damage from a sinkhole

Komarov Dmitriy/Adobe deep sinkhole on a street city and orange traffic cone

Sinkholes can take just about everything in their path with them, including your entire car.

If a sinkhole wrecks your car and you have comprehensive coverage, your policy should cover the removal, cleanup and repair, or replacement of the vehicle.

A hotel stay after an accident

bunditinay/Adobe asian woman staying in a hotel room

If someone runs into your car on a long road trip and renders it undrivable, your insurance policy may cover your expenses on the way back home, including hotel stays, transportation and meals.

Many policies require you to be at least 50 to 100 miles from home to qualify for coverage.

Damage from a snowplow

Philip/Adobe city services snow plow truck

A tractor, snowplow or other vehicle can crash into your parked car, damaging it. When that happens, your collision coverage should reimburse you for damages.

Bottom line

Monkey Business/Adobe female motorist involved in car accident calling insurance company

Car insurance policies often offer a wide range of protections that can help you eliminate some money stress. Make sure you understand which coverages are available to you long before an accident occurs.

If you're planning to buy a new car insurance policy, always read through it carefully to find out what is and is not covered.

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