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How to Check Your 5/24 Number: 3 Simple Tricks to Find Out

Knowing your Chase 5/24 number can prevent the unnecessary disappointment of getting denied for the new Chase credit card you had hoped to add to your wallet.

Updated Aug. 7, 2024
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If you're in the market for a new credit card, you may have come across something known as the Chase 5/24 rule. This is an unofficial rule stating that if you signed up for five new accounts in the past 24 months, it's unlikely you'll be approved for a new Chase credit card. And Chase credit cards aren't the only ones tallied in this five-card limit. Any credit card you opened within that 24-month period is counted toward your five cards.

But who remembers exactly when they opened each of their credit cards? And how do you find this magical 5/24 number? It's actually not that difficult, and there are a handful of ways to do so. But first, let's get super clear about what a Chase 5/24 number actually is.

In this article

What is a 5/24 number anyway?

As mentioned, the Chase 5/24 rule is an unofficial rule that limits the number of Chase credit cards you can sign up for in a 24-month period. It's based on the number of credit cards you opened in that same time frame — hence the name "Chase 5/24." Chase has never confirmed 5/24, as it's unofficial. But over the years, this rule has shown itself to be as real as the applicants who have been denied because of it.

Chase has yet to confirm the credit cards that fall under 5/24, but according to crowdsourced data from the travel rewards community, nearly all the credit cards offered by Chase are subject to the rule. Also important to know is that if you're an authorized user on an account, it will show up on your credit report as well, and Chase will count it toward your five accounts.

The 5/24 rule matters because if you apply for a new Chase card without being aware of where you stand, you could be denied for being over your 5/24 limit. Knowing where you're at, however, allows you to optimize which cards you open and when. Plus, you can avoid taking a hit on your credit from the hard inquiry that comes with applying for a card.

Just because the 5/24 rule is unofficial doesn't mean it has to be a mystery, though. There are several easy and free ways you can find out your 5/24 number.

How to check your 5/24 number on Credit Karma

Credit Karma is a free online personal finance platform that provides a tool for monitoring your credit score, among other things. If you're not already using this service, you can sign up for Credit Karma in just a few minutes.

  • Step 1: Once you've created an account (or if you already have one), log in and you'll be taken to your dashboard. From here, click on "Accounts" in the top navigation bar.

How to use Credit Karma or Credit Sesame

  • Step 2: Once you reach your accounts overview page, you'll notice that you can cycle between TransUnion and Equifax data. Go through both and verify that they show the same credit card accounts.

How to use Credit Karma or Credit Sesame

  • Step 3: The list of credit cards you'll see contains both your open and closed accounts. Since active accounts are listed first, we'll start there. To select a credit card, simply click anywhere in the box for that specific card.

How to use Credit Karma or Credit Sesame

  • Step 4: Once you click on each credit card, you'll find detailed information about the account — credit limit, utilization, payment history, and when you opened the card. This is the information you're looking for to determine your 5/24 number. Count how many open accounts you have that are less than two years old, and jot this number down on a piece of paper so you don't lose track.

How to use Credit Karma or Credit Sesame

  • Step 5: Once you've gone through each open account, move on to any closed ones you have. These are shown at the bottom of the list of credit card accounts. Click on the down arrow to reveal them.

How to use Credit Karma or Credit Sesame

  • Step 6: Repeat Step 4 for any closed account you have listed. If any of them were opened in the last two years, add them to your list. These count toward your 5/24 number as well.
  • Step 7: Add the total active accounts opened in the last two years from Step 4 with any closed accounts you found in Step 6 that were also opened in the last two years. This is your Chase 5/24 number.

How to calculate your 5/24 number

Total active accounts opened in the last two years from Step 4
+ Closed accounts you found in Step 6
= Your Chase 5/24 number

How to check your 5/24 number on the Experian smartphone app

  • Step 1: Download and open the Experian smartphone app. If you don't already have an account, you can sign up for one right in the app. Once your account is set up, you should be taken to your dashboard. Click the hamburger button in the top-left corner (the three horizontal lines stacked on one another).

the Experian smartphone app

  • Step 2: From here, click "Credit Reports" in the black menu that opened.

the Experian smartphone app

  • Step 3: On the "Credit Reports" screen, click "Accounts," which is near the top and next to a blue windowpane icon.

the Experian smartphone app

  • Step 4: On the "Accounts" page, click "Views" at the top, then sort by "Date Opened (New to Old)."

the Experian smartphone app

  • Step 5: Once sorted by date, scroll through and tally each account that has been opened in the last two years. The ones that don't count are those beyond 24 months ago. As of the writing of this article in October 2019, that means October 2017 would be counted, but September 2017 wouldn't.

the Experian smartphone app

  • Step 6: Repeat Steps 4 and 5, but this time choose "Closed Accounts." Since closed accounts are included, count any opened in the last two years.
  • Step 7: Total up all of your accounts that were opened in the last two years. This is your Chase 5/24 number.

How to check your 5/24 number using Chase Credit Journey

  • Step 1: If you're already a Chase customer, you'll first need to log into your account. Once you're at your dashboard, click "See my score" under "My Credit Journey" on the right-hand side. This will bring you to the Credit Journey dashboard. But you don't have to be a Chase customer to sign up for Chase Credit Journey. Once your account is created, you'll be taken to the dashboard as well.

Chase Credit Journey

  • Step 2: Once at your Credit Journey dashboard, click "Report" in the top navigation bar.

Chase Credit Journey

  • Step 3: When the "Report" page opens, you'll see your open accounts listed first.

Chase Credit Journey

  • Step 4: Click each account to open an additional details window. From here, you'll find the date your account was opened.

Chase Credit Journey

  • Step 5: Count all of your accounts that are less than two years old. Then move on to the "Closed Accounts" section and do the same. Total up all accounts less than two years old — both active and closed — and this is your Chase 5/24 number.

The bottom line on checking your 5/24 number

It's important to know your Chase 5/24 number if you plan on applying for new credit cards any time soon — especially Chase credit cards. That way, you can strategically apply for credit cards without running into unnecessary denials because of 5/24. A good rule of thumb is this: If you're dreaming of some new Chase cards, you may want to open those accounts first.

So, now that you know your Chase 5/24 number, which card are you getting next?

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