With the cost of goods and services rising almost everywhere, many are looking for ways to cut expenses or bring in more income. Look no further than your own talents. If you're crafty, clever, or skilled in ways outside your main job, you could turn a hobby into a side hustle.
Wouldn't it be incredible to make some money doing something you love? The things you do for fun could turn out to be quite profitable. Here is a list of popular hobbies that might help you earn some extra cash.
If you find yourself itching to garden every time spring comes around, then you just might have a green thumb. However, did you know that your love for gardening can actually be a great way to make money?
It wouldn't be easy to simply start a landscaping business overnight — but think smaller. Some people might need a little bit of help with their front flower beds, or help keeping weeds in control for the summer season. If you're good at planting and maintaining gardens, you might be able to turn it into a side hustle by offering your services to neighbors.
Dog walking
Love dogs? This might be the perfect gig for you. Many people hire dog walkers to take care of their pups while they're busy at work or away on vacation. If you're a dog lover who can stick to a schedule and handle the responsibility of taking care of other people's beloved pets, then this side hustle could earn you a bit of cash.
If you live in an area where a lot of people live in apartment buildings, then the chances are that there are already people around you who need to outsource their dog walking. It's a win for you, too — you get to pet some dogs and get some exercise.
Acting is not necessarily known as an easy way to make a living. However, if you have a love for acting or musical theater (or both), there are a few ways that you may be able to turn it into one of the best side hustles there is.
One way is through performance — dressing up as a character for kid's birthday parties or events. These services involve costume, makeup, cosplay, and patience — but it's one that could be rewarding and fun.
Refurbishing furniture
There are a lot of beautiful pieces of furniture out there that could be saved from a landfill with a little elbow grease and an eye for detail. If you have a knack for refinishing and reimagining furniture with paint and new accessories, there are likely ways that you can turn this into a viable service.
One way to find customers could be to connect with local antique shops and vintage retailers and see if you can leave your business cards at their front desk.
Knitting and crocheting
Knitted and crocheted creations are so beautiful, and everything DIY is considered cool. They are environmentally-friendly and also unique. If you're skilled in this art, you can sell your creations on online marketplaces or even through social media apps like Instagram.
Some of the wide ranges of products that you could sell include scarves, hats, vests, tea cozies, and even adorable crocheted faux plants.
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Vintage shopping
Maybe you weren't expecting to see "shopping" on this list of ways to save up money, but yes — you may be able to shop for money. If you're someone who always seems to find treasures at your local thrift shops, you're in luck. This is a viable skill that you may turn into a side hustle.
Start collecting your finds by looking through your own vintage collection that you don't wear anymore. Sift through thrift shops and estate sales for the best finds. Then, list them on a marketplace like Etsy, or even on a social media site like Instagram. Other shoppers may be interested in browsing through your curated picks.
If your loved ones rave about your baking, it might be time to explore this as a way to make some extra money. People love sweets at parties and events, and if you craft beautiful treats that taste delicious, you'll likely get repeat customers.
Making gluten-free and vegan options could also expand your business, too. These offerings aren't as easily found in some locations. Some restaurants also hire bakers on a part-time basis to make desserts for the week. This could be another avenue to explore.
If you're a serious video gamer, then you're probably happy to know that you have the option of turning it into a paying side hustle. Just make sure you're able to find a niche — joining an oversaturated market is one of the most common side hustle mistakes.
Whether you're into home decorating games or role-playing games, you might amass a following for providing a source of entertainment on YouTube or Twitch.
Bookbinding is the specialized technique that makes books, well, books. It's a fancy name for the process of assembling, and it's not a bygone skill of the past. In fact, there is a demand for modern-day bookbinders, so if it's something that you're interested in you might want to turn it into a side hustle. You could either work with small indie publishers, or work with the scores of people who seek out books for special events like weddings or baby showers.
The ability to work with wood is such a great skill to have. If you're able to make benches, chairs, or shelving units from wood, then you can certainly sell these items for a bit of extra cash. In fact, many people are able to pay top dollar for well-crafted wooden furniture pieces.
Bottom line
Your hobby could earn you extra money — it takes a bit of effort, but through neighborhood groups, word of mouth, and advertising, you could make extra cash doing something you love to do.
Check in with an accountant or bookkeeper to make sure that you're aware of any tax implications — the last thing you want is to be stuck with a giant bill at the end of the year.
It's time to put the phrase "do something you'll love and you'll never work a day in your life" to the test. Okay, so maybe we can't guarantee that this won't feel like work at all, but there are definitely harder ways to earn a living.
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